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Hi my name is Juliana.
I have been working with Jumparoo since 2019 and it has been one of the best professional experiences because of my passion for children education. This passion started when I was a little kid, my mother has six brothers plus two sisters and I helped to look after my younger cousins while their parents were not around. In addition, I always liked everything that involved movements, dance, music and physical activity.
When I graduated in Physiotherapy I started to work in hospitals supporting children and adults. The job was interesting and challenging but I felt that something was missing in order to be fully satisfied from a professional perspective, so I decided to research further and discovered Pilates. It was so enjoyable and beneficial to work on this field that I entirely dedicated myself for years.
After arriving in Australia, I wanted to work on something that could bring me the same satisfaction that I was having with Pilates and thankfully I have achieved this by working for Jumparoo.
Children education powers a better world so I look forward to growing together with Jumparoo and always offering the best of me.