Our Program

Jumparoo Program
We’d love to introduce you to Jumparoo!
Jumparoo is an Educational, Fun and Creative Movement Program specifically designed for the Early Learning Years.
Our specialised themed program covers a range of topics such as, Sports & Fitness, Music & Dance, Yoga & Meditation. We cater for all ages with appropriate classes for Babies / Toddlers & Pre-Kinder / Kinder. The Jumparoo team comes to your centre as we operate throughout Melbourne and surrounding suburbs.
Each visit your instructor will present different subjects and themes offering a multi-sensory experience engaging children’s fine and gross motor skills, cognitive development, natural curiosity, creativity and overall well being, whilst most importantly – having FUN!
Our program operates is in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework – Being, Belonging & Becoming. We have outlined all the objectives and learning outcomes for each class so that both the Centres and Parents are up to date and informed of the children’s progress.
We love what we do and we can’t wait to share Jumparoo with you!
Hula Hoop with Me
Let’s hula hoop and loop the loop.
We’ll Jump like frogs do and paint the town with our dancing ribbons.
Don’t forget the limbo rock and see the mouse
go tick tock. We love to meditate and share our feelings.
The Animal Kingdom
Shhhh! Can you hear what animal that was!?
Let’s sway like an elephant and roar like a tiger.
Can you slither like a snake? We discover all animals big and small.
We love to relax our bodies. Care for some jungle yoga?
Our magic circle fly’s our parachute high to the sky. Care for some popping popcorn?
Why not shake it left then to the right, high and low! Owww so many fish to catch in the pond. I can see the bubbles popping before my very eye.
Let’s relax our bodies in our favorite colour, wobble wobble.
Here are some more classes that we cover.
- Hula Hoop With Me
- The Animal Kingdom
- Music and Me
- Let’s Build a Home
- Jump into Space
- The Big Top Circus
and many more!